Window Fittings System
Schüco AvanTec SimplySmart

Schüco AvanTec SimplySmart stands for a mechanical, inward-opening generation of fittings, which uniquely combine timeless design, varied functionality and intelligent installation. In addition to flexible installation processes that require almost no tools, established design features such as concealed fittings components, newly combined with heavy vent weights, underline the unique nature of his range of fittings.

Moreover, Schüco is paving the way for increased architectural freedom through the new implementation possibilities brought by vent weights of up to 550 lb (250 kg) and an extended opening angle to 180°, which was previously reserved for surface-mounted fittings. Schüco has also revolutionized the installation technology of the fittings components. The one-part functional units, such as the corner pivot, stay and corner drive, are installed in the vent frame without the need for tools.

In addition to the installation technology, the installation sequence has also been made more flexible. The principle when using Schüco AvanTec SimplySmart is to start flexibly with the installation of any fittings components and then install the clip-on locking bars.

  • Fully concealed fitting, streamlined window design, accentuated by the uniform handle design

  • 180° opening angle in addition to 90° design

  • Up to 550 lb (250 kg) vent weight for side hung windows and 440 lb (200 kg) for turn/tilt windows

  • Tool-free installation of vent

  • Fittings components fastened by means of clip technology

